Criminal Justice: MLA Citation Help


“Explain the green light in the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald” prompt. ChatGPT, 13 Feb. version, OpenAI, 8 Mar. 2023,

("Explain the green light")

Klee, Paul. Twittering Machine. 1922. Museum of Modern Art, New York. The Artchive, Accessed May 2006.

Intext would be (Klee).

"Ideology." The American Heritage Dictionary. 3rd ed., 1997, pp 44-45.

To cite this source, page 44, for example: ("Ideology" 44)

The New Jerusalem Bible. Henry Wansbrough, general editor, Doubleday, 1985.

In one of the most vivid prophetic visions in the Bible, Ezekial saw "what seems to be four living creatures" (New Jerusalem Bible, Ezek. 1.5). John of Patmos echoes this passage when describing his vision (Rev. 4.6-8).

**If you are only using one Bible, then you don't have to refer to the Bible's name except in the first intext citation. The rest of the intext citations can be the (Book, verse).

***MLA Handbook, 2021, p. 247

Choi, Susan. Trust Exercise. Holt, 2019.

To cite entire book: (Choi)

To cite page 25, for example: (Choi 25)

Gillespie, Paula, and Neal Lerner. The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Peer Tutoring. Allyn and Bacon, 2000.

If citing the entire book (Gillespie and Lerner)

If citing pages 210-225 (Gillespie and Lerner 210-225)

Wysocki, Anne Frances, et al. Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition . Utah State UP, 2004.

If citing page 167, for example: (Wysocki et al. 167)

Crowley, Sharon, and Debra Hawhee. Ancient Rhetorics for Contemporary Students . 3rd ed., Pearson, 2004.

If citing entire book: (Crowley and Hawhee)

If citing page 202, for example (Crowley and Hawkee 202)

Harris, Muriel. "Talk to Me: Engaging Reluctant Writers." A Tutor's Guide: Helping Writers One to One, edited by Ben Rafoth, Henemann, 2000, pp. 24-34.

If citing page 34 for example: (Harris 34)

If the original publication date is important for the reader to understand the context of the source, include it.

Franklin, Benjamin. "Emigration to America." 1782. The Faber Book of America, edited by Christopher Ricks and William L. Vance, Faber and Faber, 1992, pp. 24-26.

Intext would be (Franklin 24-26).

Dickinson, Emily. “Because I Could Not Stop for Death.” The Oxford Book of American Verse , edited by F. O. Matthiessen, Oxford UP, 1950, p. 439. Questia .

This reading is located in the Questia/Cengage compilation but was published in The Oxford Book of American Verse. The publishing information is all located in the copyright box at the bottom of the reading.

<a href=image of copyright info at bottom of questia document" />

The intext citation would still be

Plott, Cassie. English 111. Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, April 2020,

Washington, Durthy. CliffsNotes on Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Cliffs Notes, 2000. EBSCOhost,

In-text citation is (Washington)

or in-text citation for page 33 is

Author. Title of ebook. Publisher, date. Name of database where you found the book, URL.

Blade Runner. 1982. Directed by Ridley Scott, performance by Harrison Ford, director's cut, Warner Bros., 1992.

Scott, Ridley, director. Blade Runner. 1982. Performance by Harrison Ford, director's cut, Warner Bros., 1992.

For films, citations begin with the title unless you want to highlight some other aspect, such as the direction. In the first example, Ridley Scott and Harrison Ford are considered "Other contributors". The second example treats Ridley Scott as an "author" with Harrison Ford as another contributor. The Publisher is Warner Bros.

Highlights from the Competition Bureau’s Workshop on Emerging Competition Issues. Competition Bureau of Canada, 4 Mar. 2016,$FILE/cb-Workshop-Summary-Report-e.pdf. Accessed 6 July 2016

In-text citation is (name of document, can be shortened)

(HIghlights from the Competition Bureau's Workshop)

In-text citation if a direct quote from page 2, for example

(Highlights from the Competition Bureau's Workshop 2)

Doest, Jasper. "Japanese macaques take a hot bath during winter in Jigokudani." National Geographic, 15 Sept. 2016, Accessed 17 Mar 2020.

Smith, Jane. Personal interview. 22 April 2020.

Intext citation is (Smith)

​ Zumla, Alimuddin, et al. "Vaccine Against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus." The Lancet Infectious Diseases, vol. 19, no. 10, 2019, pp. 1054-1055. ProQuest, accountid=13601, doi:

To cite this article, page 1054, for example: (Zumla et al. 1054)

Chevelle. Wonder What's Next. Epic, 2002.

Intext would be (Chevelle)

Nirvana. "Smells Like Teen Spirit." Nevermind, Geffen, 1991.

Intext is (Nirvana)

Note that the URL is linked. This is an option in MLA 8th Edition. Your teacher may choose to allow this or not.

This format should be used for pdfs that you receive electronically but not via accessing a website. Even though you may have received this independently, you still need to find the URL that will lead your reader to the source.

Social, Humanitarian, & Cultural Committee (SOCHUM) Background Guide, 31st Annual Carolinas Conference, 2020,

In-text citation is

(Social, Humanitarian, & Cultural Committee)

If a direct quote or statistic is used, from page 3 for example

(Social, Humanitarian, & Cultural Committee 3)

To cite a pdf from a website, you first cite the pdf with author, title, publisher and date and then cite the website with the URL.

For example, the following report doesn't have an author so you start with title, the publisher and date. Then you cite the website Duke Energy and that site's date.End with the URL.

Duke Energy 2019 Annual Report and Form 10-K, Duke Energy, 2019. Duke Energy, 2020,

In-text citation is

(Duke Energy 2019 Annual Report)

If direct quote or statistic used, for example from page 4

(Duke Energy 2019 Annual Report 4)

Adams, John. "John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 3 February 1812." 1812. Founders Online, National Archives, Accessed 1 February 2023

*This website didn't have a publication date. Accessed dates are recommended for websites especially when there is no publication date.

Recommended formatting for primary sources on webpages.

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Primary Source Document: Subtitle." Year of creation.Title of Website, Publisher of Website, Publication Date, URL. Accessed Day Month Year site was visited.

Jackson, Andrew. "First Inaugural Address." 1829. Out of Many: A History of the American People. John Faragher et al., Pearson, 2020, p. 56.

Intext is (author's last name page#)

The Bible. Authorized King James Version, Oxford UP, 1998.

Intext citation is (The Bible, John 3:16)

Kincaid, Jamaica. "Girl." The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Short Stories, edited by Tobias Wolff, Vintage, 1994, pp. 306-07.

If all poems or stories are by the same author, there is typically not an editor-

Carter, Angela. "The Tiger's Bride." Burning Your Boats: The Collected Stories, Penguin, 1995, pp. 154-69.

"Hush." 1999. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Complete Fourth Season, created by Joss Whedon, performance by Sarah Michelle Gellar, episode 10, Twentieth Century Fox, 2003, disc 3.

"Chapter Six: The Monster." Stranger Things, season 1, episode 6, Netflix, 15 July 2016. Netflix,

Chappelow, James. "Conflict Theory." Investopedia, 19 May 2019,

(Chappelow) is the intext citation

Webpage with Access date

Wise, DeWanda. "Why TV Shows Make me Feel less Alone." NAMI, 31 May 2019, Accessed 10 June 2020.

"Athlete's Foot - Topic Overview." WebMD, 25 Sept. 2014,

September 25, 2014 is the publication date. There are no page numbers. The access date is optional. It is ok to shorten the title of the website; keep it in quotation marks.

"The Impact of Global Warming in North America." Global Warming: Early Signs. 1999. Accessed 23 Mar. 2009.

Intext citation is ("Impact of Global Warming")

*The access date is optional. You can shorten the title of long sources. Keep the webpage title in quotation marks.

"Majors and Concentrations." UNC Greensboro, Accessed 22 April 2020.

* Access date is recommended for sites with no publication date.

("Majors and Concentrations")

Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow,

To cite the webpage (Lundman)

There are no page numbers. Access date is optional but recommended if the webpage is one that updates regularly.

U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics. "Librarians." Occupational Outlook Handbook, 20 Dec 2019, Accessed 10 June 2020.

(U.S. Dept of Labor)

*Group authors can be abbreviated. The access date is recommended for webpages that update regularly.

If author is different from uploader

McGonigal, Jane. "Gaming and Productivity." YouTube, uploaded by Big Think, 3 July 2012,

Intext is (McGonigal)

If uploader is same as author

"8 Hot Dog Gadgets put to the Test." YouTube, uploaded by Crazy Russian Hacker, 6 June 2016,

Intext is ("8 Hot Dog Gadgets")

MLA Tutorial

MLA Tutorial

Order of Core Elements

These are the elements or pieces of information for MLA citations.

  1. Author.
  2. Title of source. (Books are italicized, Webpages are in quotes, Article names are in quotes, Songs are in quotes)
  3. Title of container, (Journal names are in italics, websites are in italics, album names are in italics)
  4. Other contributors, (sometimes used for movies, books with translators, books with introductions, etc.)
  5. Version, (usually for items that have been updated or in different versions)
  6. Number, (usually for items in a numbered series, ie Journal articles, multi-volume book series, TV series, etc.)
  7. Publisher, (publisher produces the items so is commonly available on books, webpages unless title is same as publisher, production companies for movies, etc. Websites that make things available but don't publish aren't included here, ie Youtube, Wordpress,Proquest.)
  8. Publication date, (if more than one, go with date that is more relevant)
  9. Location. (page numbers, URL, doi is recommended if available, physical location of art)
  10. Date of access. (Recommended for online sources especially if they can change. Your instructor may ask you not to do this however.) I ​​​ f you include an access date it is in this format: Accessed 10 June 2020.

What elements do you see here?

Wise, DeWanda. "Why TV Shows Make Me Feel Less Alone." NAMI, 31 May 2019, Accessed 10 June 2020.

Author - DeWanda Wise

Title of source - "Why TV Shows Make Me Feel Less Alone"

Title of container - NAMI

Publication date - 31 May 2019

Location -

Access Date - 10 June 2020

Direct Quotes

Guidelines for Direct Quotes

A Direct Quote uses the exact words of a source.

Think of the quote as a rare and precious jewel.

Quotes can be super-effective in getting your point across to the reader. Just be sure you’re not stringing a bunch of quotes together – you want your voice to be stronger than the voice of your sources. You always need to interpret, analyze, add to and explain more about the quote to your reader.

Here are some guidelines to help you decide when to use quotes:

You may choose to quote an entire passage from a source or just words or phrases. Make sure to use signal words (see below) to move between your ideas and the words of your source. Also, always cite your work.

Direct Quotes (MLA format):

As one of Obama's deputy assistants Yohannes Abraham explains, "It's really important to remember to just be a good person" (Scherer, Miller, and Elliott 36).

As William Kneale suggests, some humans have a "moral deafness" which is never punctured no matter what the moral treatment (93).

For Charles Dickens, the eighteenth century was both "the best of times" and "the worst of times" (35).

Direct Quotes (APA format)

As Ali Akbar Hamemi remarked, "There is no doubt that America is a super-power in the world and we cannot ignore them" (Vick, 2017, p. 13).

Sometimes it may be necessary to include long direct quotes (of over 40 words) in your work if you are unable to paraphrase or summarize. A long quote is treated differently as a block quotation with a .5 inch margin from the left but still double-spaced. Notice that there are no quotation marks around the block quotations even though these are direct quotes. Here are two examples:

Block quotation with parenthetical citation:

Researchers found when studying gray wolves that coloring around eyes may change over the lifespan:

Facial color patterns change with growth in many American canid species, although no studies have directly examined such developmental changes. For example, all newborn gray wolves observed in the present study had dark-colored bodies and C-type faces with dark-colored irises. (Ueda et al., 2014, p. 4)

Ueda, S., Kumagai, G., Otaki, Y., Yamaguchi, S., & Kohshima, S. (2014). A comparison of facial color pattern and gazing behavior in canid species suggests gaze communication in gray wolves (canis lupus). PLoS One, 9 (6) doi:

Block quotation with narrative citation:

Manning and Kaler (2011) describe the difficulties of using survey methods when observing owls:

Survey methods with observers outside the vehicle were 3 times more likely to displace an owl than a single vehicle stop where observers remained inside the vehicle. Owls were displaced farther distances by all survey methods compared to control trials, but distances and time displaced did not differ among survey methods.

Manning, J. A., & Kaler, R. S. A. (2011). Effects of survey methods on burrowing owl behaviors. Journal of Wildlife Management, 75 (3), 525-530. Retrieved from

For more information, see page 272 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association , 7 th ed.

If a quote runs more than four lines long, you must block the quote with a .5 margin on the left. Do not use quotation marks even though it's a direct quote.

At the conclusion of Lord of the Flies, Ralph, realizing the horror of his actions, is overcome by

great, shuddering spasms of grief that seemed to wrench his whole body. his voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion, the other little boys began to shake and sob too. (Golding 186)

So, when using quotes:

As Thompson (2020) makes clear, Youtube's algorithms "can’t distinguish between true and false data, except in the most crude way" (para. 5).

Peas and Carrots

picture of peas and carrots

Whenever you have a reference at the end of your paper, you need at least one intext citation to go with it. Every intext citation should point to a reference at the end of your paper.

References and Intext Citations Go Together Like Peas and Carrots.

Your intext citation contains the first word(s) of your reference so the reader can find it easily.

For optimal decomposition, experts believe you should aim for a carbon to nitrogen ratio of 30:1 ( Johnson 29).

Johnson , Lorraine. "Compost Happens: The Secret to Making Quick Gardener's Gold Instead of a Slow, Stinking Mess Requires, Like Everything Else, Balance." Canadian Gardening, vol. 12, no. 1, Feb, 2001, pp. 28-33. ProQuest,

How to Use Titles of Your Sources in the Text (Prose) of Your Paper

If you use the title of a book, play, article, song, or other source in your paper, use the same formatting that you use in the Works Cited page (list of references).

Here are some examples of when to italicize.

In the novel The Nightwatchman, Patrice hunts for her lost sister Vera.

Many high school students in Rowan County read The Great Gatsby.

There are lots of educational videos on Youtube.

Most teachers don't want students to use Wikipedia.

​​​​​​ Here are some examples of when to use quotes.

Type of Source Example
Journal or magazine article "When Michaelangelo Went to Constantinople" (from Smithsonian Magazine)
Encyclopedia article "Dogs" (from World Book Encyclopedia)
Essay in a collection "The Fiction of Langston Hughes" (from Norton's Anthology)
Short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find" (from Collected Stories of Flannery O'Connor)
Poem "Annabel Lee"
Chapter in a book "The Gilded Age and the Baron Robbers" (from the book American History)
Page on a website "NBA Schedule" (on the ESPN website)
Song or Video of a Song "Single Ladies"
Lecture "How to Get Started Writing Your Literary Analysis"

Some sources get no special formatting.

Source Example
Scripture Bible, Koran, Old Testament, Genesis, Talmud, etc.
Laws, acts, political documents Bill of Rights, Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, Patriot Act
Buildings, ancient artworks Great Wall of China, Empire State Building, Venus de Milo
Band names, author names Beatles, One Direction, Ernest Hemingway

Examples from MLA Handbook, 9th Edition, 2021. pages 68-73.

Source within a Source, Indirect Source, Secondary Source

I am reading about John Reith in the Humanities, Society and Technology textbook by Satterwhite and other authors.

I paraphrased what I read and I wrote this.

John Reith lead the BBC as its first General Manager and wanted to keep the BBC "free from political interference and commercial pleasure" (qtd. in Satterwhite et al. 145).

Here's what goes in the Works Cited because this is the source I read.

Satterwhite, Robin, et al. Humanities, Society and Technology. Kendall Hunt, 2015.

*The qtd. in the intext citation shows that the information in the Humanities book was originally somewhere else.

Maybe this will make it more clear for you.

You are reading about Smith in an article by Kirkey.

Examples of in-text citations:

According to a study by Smith (qtd. in Kirkey) 42% of doctors would refuse to perform legal euthanasia.

Smith (qtd. in Kirkey) states that “even if euthanasia was legal, 42% of doctors would be against this method of assisted dying” (A.10).

Example of Reference list citation:

Kirkey, Susan. "Euthanasia." The Montreal Gazette, 9 Feb. 2013, p. A.10. Canadian Newsstand Major Dailies.

MLA Sample Paper and Citation Guides (Updated June 2021, MLA 9)

cat on books

MLA Papers have a uniform style. Here are some of the elements: