Transfer Credit | Transfer Students

Understanding transfer credit requires not only access to what has already been evaluated (which you can find on the Transfer Equivalency Charts below), but also understanding of the process and requirements for anything you don’t find on our charts.

Below, you will find the transfer charts, the policies and process, and some other resources in addition. The “Transient Approval” section is for students who are already here at Auburn but who want or need to take a course or more elsewhere and transfer it back. For students who are transferring to Auburn from another public institution in the state of Alabama, the “Alabama Transfers” page includes state-wide articulation information. And, for students who have questions about credit they may have earned through testing such AP, IB, or the ACT, the charts for those are here also.

Transfer Equivalency Charts

Transfer Equivalency Charts

Transfer Courses by State & Institution

Transfer Courses by Course Name

Policies and Process

Policies and Process

Evaluation of transfer Credit

College transcripts will be evaluated after a student has been accepted by the Office of Admissions. The evaluation process may take time, depending upon the courses taken and the location of the institution. Submitting Official Transcripts as quickly as possible will help ensure the Auburn credit awarded will show on the student’s record before the SOS Orientation session.

Auburn University will accept transfer credit of similar content from accredited institutions (see below for specifics). Coursework that is technical or remedial in nature is generally not accepted for credit at Auburn. Students may receive specific course credit or general elective credit for courses taken at other institutions. Transfer courses that are considered ‘Core’ will be evaluated in the Office of the Registrar by the University Transcript Evaluator. All other courses will be routed to the respective department for review.

Transfer credit will be applied as appropriate to a student’s degree program. The authority to apply transferred credit toward degree requirements rests with the student’s college of enrollment. Transferring between colleges within Auburn University will not affect the equivalencies established for a student’s transfer work, but may affect the applicability of the credit towards the new degree program.

Transfer grade point averages are calculated by Auburn based on all college work attempted and may differ from averages calculated by other institutions. The official Auburn University grade point average is based only on coursework completed at Auburn and does not include transfer grades.


  1. Collegiate work will be considered for transfer credit from post-secondary institutions that are accredited by one of the six accrediting associations listed below:
    1. Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
    2. Higher Learning Commission
    3. New England Association of Schools and Colleges
    4. Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
    5. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
    6. Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Senior Colleges and Junior Colleges

    International Transfer Evaluation

    Transient Approval

    Transient Approval

    Transient Instructions (US Institutions)

    An Auburn student in good standing may be approved to take courses at another institution on a transient basis. To do so, you must first fill out the transient form online.

    After completion of transient course, it’s the student’s responsibility to request that a transcript be sent back to Auburn University. Send transcripts to or physically mail to:

    Pathway and Transfer Center
    Auburn University
    217 Foy Hall
    Auburn, AL 36849

    If the course you wish to take is not listed on the online transient form, you will need to see your advisor. The respective college/school within the University can issue a "Transient Student Form". The dean or advisor indicates the courses approved to be taken elsewhere.

    For any further questions, email

    International Transient

    Transient Requests for International Students Taking Courses in their Home Country. Auburn University does not award transfer credit for international transient short-term, winter, or summer English-language based programs. These programs are non-degree programs and are not recognized or overseen by the corresponding Ministry of Education. If you have questions about a program of this type, email .

    For traditional international coursework transient requests, email to request the international transient form and instructions.

    For students who intend to take international coursework in a country other than their home country, they should go through the Auburn Abroad office.


    In-State Transfers

    In-State Transfers

    For students transferring from any other public institution in the state of Alabama, we have two resources for you here. Alabama Transfers is the statewide transfer resource which includes transfer guides for those at Alabama Community Colleges and transfer equivalency charts between public institutions. Auburn’s Area V Pages are Auburn major-specific guides about what courses to take at an Alabama Community College to prepare for transferring to Auburn.


    AP/IB/ACT Information

    Dependent upon the test scores received you may be eligible to receive course credit. The scores should be provided from the testing agency directly. Please call (334) 844-2539 if you have questions about what credit you are eligible to receive. Note: Auburn University does not accept CLEP credit.

    ACT (English) score:

    SAT taken before March 2016, Critical Reading/Verbal score:

    SAT taken March 2016 or after, Reading score:


    I am thinking of transferring to Auburn University next semester, how do I know how many hours from my current institution will transfer to Auburn?

    Once you submit your official transcripts to Admissions, your transfer work will be entered into our system. If a course is already in our database, then the AU equivalent will show immediately. If the course is not in our system then you will receive a pending credit for the course. Once you have been accepted by the Office of Admissions, the pending credit will be evaluated by the respective department. You should know how your pending credits will be counting by the time you attend your SOS session.

    What GPA and other requirements must be met in order to transfer to Auburn University?

    Students needing transfer admissions information should check the Admissions website.

    Do my D’s transfer to Auburn University?

    Credit for Core Curriculum English writing courses is allowed only on grades of C or better. Courses with grades of D are only acceptable for transfer in those degree programs in which grades of D are acceptable for equivalent courses taken at Auburn University.

    Does my transfer work taken at other institutions count in my Auburn GPA?

    No. Your credits from other institutions may count towards degree progress at Auburn University but your Auburn GPA will only include courses taken at Auburn University.

    What kind of credit will I receive for remedial or technical courses taken at other institutions?

    Auburn University does not reward credit for remedial or technical courses. If these courses are included in your transfer work then they will receive a NOCR 1000 credit.

    I received AP credit in high school that is accepted at my current school. How to I ensure that I will receive the same credit when I transfer to Auburn University?

    Once you have been accepted at Auburn University and we have received official College Board reports of your AP credit, we will award the appropriate credit based on Auburn guidelines. Please refer to (link) to see how AP credit is awarded at Auburn.

    I will be transferring 75 hours from a local community college. Will all of these hours count toward my degree at Auburn University?

    The maximum credit allowed will be equivalent to one-half of the student’s curriculum at Auburn but not to exceed 96 quarter hours or 64 semester hours.

    How does Auburn convert quarter hours to semester hours?

    Auburn multiples the quarter hour by .67 to get the semester hour. For example, if you have earned 6 quarter hours they will be converted to 4 semester hours.

    I have been to several different schools and I have 25 hours needed to complete a Bachelor’s degree. Will Auburn University accept all of my previous hours?

    A minimum of 25% of the total semester hours required for the baccalaureate degree must be earned in residence at Auburn University. A minimum of 50% of the course work in the major must be earned in residence at Auburn University. These hours must be taken in the final year (final 25%) and in the school/college curriculum of graduation. Students should contact their college of enrollment for the specific number of hours required for their degree.

    Can I transfer courses that I am currently working on?

    Yes. Make sure you send in a copy of your official transcript to Admissions once you have successfully completed the course(s) and a grade has been awarded.

    What does a pending credit mean?

    A pending credit is a temporary credit given to a transfer course that is in the process of being evaluated by the respective department for Auburn credit. Once an equivalent has been determined by the department, the pending credit will be removed and the AU equivalent will be awarded in its place.

    What does an EVAL HOLD mean? Is this the same thing as a pending credit?

    The difference between an EVAL HOLD and a pending credit is that the EVAL HOLD has already been evaluated by the department and it has been determined that the AU equivalent must be applied on an individual, case-by-case basis. These credits are often seen on separate lecture and lab Science courses, on Art or Music courses that require the submission of a portfolio to determine credit, and on Special Topics courses where the content changes by semester. Please speak to your academic advisor about getting these updated to show the specific AU credit.

    What is a general elective?

    A general elective is given to a transfer course that has legitimate course content but Auburn does not offer a specific match. The course is essentially a free elective at Auburn.

    I feel that some of my courses may have been evaluated incorrectly. How do I challenge an AU equivalent that I have been given if I believe there may have been a mistake?

    Please talk to your academic advisor about challenging an Auburn course equivalency. If your advisor agrees the course may need to be re-evaluated he/she will explain how to initiate the process.

    What is my class standing?

    Undergraduate students are classified according to the number of semester hours passed. See below for breakdown:

    I am currently an Auburn student but would like to take a course at another college over the summer. How do I know if the course I choose to take will be accepted at Auburn?

    Check the transfer equivalency tables to see if the course is already in our database (see link). If the course is not in our system, please speak to your academic advisor about getting the course evaluated before you take it to ensure AU credit.

    I am thinking about transferring to Auburn University next year. Who do I need to speak to find out how my courses will be counting at Auburn in my intended major?

    You will need to speak to student services or an advisor within the college you are considering. For contact information, please visit the Academic Advising webpage.

    Tell me more about the transfer equivalency charts.